Final Fantasy is one of the oldest role playing games around. But of late fan and gamers have been questioning its greatness. But why is not as great as it was and when did it start to decline? Looking at all the Final Fantasy games they really started to hit there stride at final fantasy 4 and became really popular around final fantasy 6. When final fantasy 7, 8, 9 hit stores they were all classics. Some better than others. But when final fantasy 10 came out there was a major change to final fantasy. But with fans behind it and no one willing to question it ten was liked but not loved and the decline of final fantasy began. Final Fantasy 11 came out but it was a mmo that only a few liked and a majority thought was a really dumb idea. When twelve came we saw a lot of the miss takes of ten fixed and some of the thing they like in ten kept making it a better game. But the story and game play was off. Making it also a Final Fantasy that was liked but not loved. When thirteen came we saw the old fight come back and improved to be more free flowing. The graphics were out standing. We thought final fantasy was going to make a come back. But the story was confusing, they took out towns and shop were useless the gamer.When you looked at thirteen closely it was just like ten but worse. Where ten had mini games and few towns to shop. They cut out all mini games, put the shops in the save points and gave you no money to shop at there shops. Just like ten the world was linear.
So the problem started with ten then went to elven, went to twelve and thirteen. But what ever they were doing in seven, eight and nine were big name hits and that is what they should be doing for there next game.
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